CGPA to Percentage SPPU Pune University Converter | Easy & Accurate Online Tool

Convert your Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) CGPA to Percentage instantly with this fast & accurate online tool. Simply enter your CGPA (out of 10), and get the equivalent percentage based on the official SPPU conversion formula.

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SPPU CGPA to Percentage Converter

CGPA to Percentage SPPU

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) is one of the most prestigious institutions in India and South Asia, known for its academic excellence and unique grading system. Like many universities, SPPU follows its own grading mechanism; therefore, the calculation method for CGPA to percentage SPPU will also be different.

To simplify this calculation, we’ve outlined a step-by-step method along with a clear example to guide you through converting your CGPA to a percentage at SPPU.

In this blog, we provide a detailed guide on the Pune University CGPA to percentage conversion process and everything you need to know about it.

Table of Contents

  1. What is SPPU?

  2. SPPU Grading System

  3. CGPA to Percentage Conversion Formula

  4. Example Calculation

  5. Pros & Cons of CGPA to Percentage Conversion

  6. Conclusion

  7. FAQs

What is SPPU?

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) is one of India’s top universities. It is located in the northwest part of Pune city and covers around 411 acres. The university was founded on February 10, 1949, under the Poona University Act.

It has 46 academic departments and is often called the “Oxford of the East.” About 307 recognized research institutes and 612 affiliated colleges offer graduate and undergraduate courses.

The university is popular among foreign students because of its excellent facilities, including good accommodation options.

SPPU Grading System

SPPU uses a credit-based grading system. To better understand the Pune University CGPA to percentage conversion process, you should first know its grading system.

Grading Scale and Corresponding Grade Points:

GradeGrade Points
O (Outstanding)10
A+ (Excellent)9
A (Very Good)8
B+ (Good)7
B (Above Average)6
C (Average)5
P (Pass)4
F (Fail)0

CGPA to Percentage SPPU

To convert CGPA to Percentage, you will first have to find CGPA:

Step 1: Find Your CGPA

  1. Multiply each grade point by the credit hours of each course.

  2. Add up all the results.

  3. Divide the total by the number of credit hours taken. The result is your CGPA.

Step 2: Find the Percentage Using CGPA

To find the percentage using CGPA, use the following formula:

SPPU CGPA to Percentage Calculator Formula

Percentage = CGPA x 8.9

Example for SPPU CGPA to Percentage

Let’s calculate the CGPA into Percentage of an SPPU student with the help of this scorecard below.

CourseGradeGrade PointsCredit HoursGrade Points x Credit Hours
Course 1A8324
Course 2B+7428
Course 3C5210

CGPA = 62 / 9 = 6.89

Now you can easily convert this CGPA into a Percentage by applying the formula:

Percentage = CGPA x 8.9

= 6.89 x 8.9

Percentage = 61.3%

For more detailed calculators and tools, you can visit our CGPA to Percentage Calculator. Also, check out our article on the difference between CGPA and SGPA to better understand how these grading systems vary across universities.

SPPU CGPA to Percentage Pros & Cons


✅ Standardized comparison ✅ Easy to calculate and interpret ✅ Fairer evaluation method ✅ Widely recognized internationally


❌ Limited range, may not capture nuances ❌ May lack context on course difficulty ❌ Overemphasis can cause stress ❌ Limited flexibility in certain cases


Using the correct calculation method and formula, you can easily convert CGPA to Percentage in SPPU.

Finding your percentage from CGPA in SPPU is easier than you think if you follow the proper method. We explained the process step-by-step using clear and practical examples to make things easy for you.

We hope you can now confidently convert your CGPA to a percentage and better understand your academic performance.


What does SPPU stand for?

SPPU stands for Savitribai Phule Pune University.

How can you convert CGPA to percentage for SPPU?

Use the formula: Percentage = CGPA x 8.9.

What percentage does a CGPA of 7.68 correspond to?

Percentage = 7.68 x 8.9 = 68.35%.

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