Concentration Index


Concentration Index

The concentration index is defined as twice the area between the concentration curve, L(p), and the line of equality (the 450 lines running from the bottom-left corner to the top-right). So, in the case where there is no income-related inequality, the concentration index is zero.

The concentration index is a measure used in economics, sociology, and other fields to quantify the distribution of a particular variable among a population. It provides insight into the degree of inequality or concentration of wealth, income, or any other attribute within a given population. There are different variations of the concentration index, such as the Gini coefficient, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), and the Atkinson index, each with its own specific formula and interpretation.

Gini coefficient:

The Gini coefficient is the most commonly used concentration index. It measures income or wealth inequality on a scale of 0 to 1, where 0 represents perfect equality (everyone has the same income or wealth) and 1 represents maximum inequality (one person has all the income or wealth). The Gini coefficient is calculated as the ratio of the area between the Lorenz curve (a graphical representation of the cumulative distribution of income or wealth) and the line of perfect equality to the total area under the line of perfect equality. A Gini coefficient of 0.4, for example, indicates a relatively high level of inequality.

Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI):

The HHI is a concentration index commonly used in the context of market concentration and competition. It measures the concentration of market share among firms within a specific industry. The HHI is calculated by summing the squares of the market shares of all the firms in the industry. The resulting value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents perfect competition (many firms with equal market shares) and 1 represents a monopoly (one firm controls the entire market). Higher values indicate greater market concentration and potentially less competition.

Atkinson index:

The Atkinson index is another concentration index that focuses on measuring inequality in income or wealth distribution. It considers both the mean (average) income or wealth and the level of aversion to inequality within a society. The Atkinson index is calculated as a weighted sum of the proportionate shortfall of income or wealth from an ideal distribution. The weight assigned to each proportionate shortfall depends on the society's level of aversion to inequality. A higher Atkinson index indicates higher inequality.

Other concentration indices:

There are additional concentration indices that have been developed to measure different aspects of inequality or concentration, such as the Theil index, Hoover index, and Palma ratio, among others. Each of these indices has its own unique formula and interpretation, focusing on specific aspects of concentration or inequality.

It is important to note that the interpretation and use of concentration indices can vary depending on the specific context and the variable being measured. Additionally, concentration indices provide a snapshot of a particular point in time and should be used in conjunction with other measures and indicators to gain a comprehensive understanding of inequality or concentration within a population.

Here are some additional details regarding concentration indices:

Calculation and Interpretation:

Gini coefficient: The Gini coefficient is calculated by dividing the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect equality by the total area under the line of perfect equality. The resulting value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 represents perfect equality and 1 represents maximum inequality. A Gini coefficient of 0.2 to 0.3 suggests relatively low inequality, while a coefficient above 0.5 indicates high inequality.

Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI): The HHI is computed by squaring the market share of each firm in an industry and summing up these squared values. The resulting value ranges from 0 to 1, where a higher HHI indicates greater market concentration. Typically, an HHI below 0.15 indicates a highly competitive market, while an HHI above 0.25 suggests a moderately concentrated market, and an HHI above 0.5 represents a highly concentrated market.

Atkinson index: The Atkinson index is calculated by summing up a set of weighted proportionate shortfalls from an ideal distribution. The weight assigned to each proportionate shortfall depends on the society's level of aversion to inequality. A higher Atkinson index signifies higher inequality. The Atkinson index can range from 0 (complete equality) to 1 (maximum inequality).

Use in Policy Analysis:

Concentration indices are widely used in policy analysis to understand and assess the distributional consequences of various policies and interventions. They can help policymakers identify areas of concern, evaluate the effectiveness of redistributive measures, and compare the impact of different policy options on inequality or concentration.


  • Concentration indices provide a summary measure of inequality or concentration but may not capture the entire complexity of the distribution. They can overlook specific patterns, such as localized pockets of poverty or extreme outliers, which may be relevant in certain contexts.
  • Concentration indices are sensitive to the choice of variable being measured and the population under consideration. Different variables (e.g., income, wealth, education) may yield different concentration patterns and require separate indices. Additionally, concentration indices may vary across different subgroups within a population.
  • Concentration indices do not provide information about the underlying causes of inequality or concentration. They serve as descriptive tools rather than explanatory ones. To understand the drivers of inequality or concentration, further analysis and contextual information are necessary.
  • When comparing concentration indices across different countries or time periods, caution must be exercised due to variations in data quality, measurement techniques, and societal factors that influence inequality.

Overall, concentration indices offer valuable insights into the distribution of resources or attributes within a population. They provide a quantitative measure of inequality or concentration and facilitate comparisons, policy evaluation, and monitoring of changes over time. However, it is important to use concentration indices in conjunction with other indicators and contextual information to gain a comprehensive understanding of the distributional dynamics in a given setting.

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