Word Problems and Numerical Basic Question Answers

Word Problems and Numerical Basic

Set A

1. If (a+b):(b+c):(c+a) = 5:6:9 and a+b+c=10, what is the value of c?

Answer: 5

Solution: Let a+b=5x, then b+c=6x and c+a=9x,

Adding 2(a+b+c) = 20x,

As a+b+c=10, 20=20x and so x=1.

Now as a+b=5x=5, c=(a+b+c)-(b+c) = 10-5 = 5

2. A sum triples in 15 years at simple interest. Find the rate of interest per annum.

Answer: 13.33% per annum

Solution: Let the amount be x. When tripled it is 3x.

x*15*r/100 = 2x,

r=200/15 = 13.33%

3. Mr. Manish invested Rs. 25,000 in two fixed deposits X and Y offering compound interest at 6% per annum and 8% per annum respectively. If the total amount of interest accrued in two years through both fixed deposits is Rs. 3518, the amount invested in Scheme X is

Answer: Rs.15000

Solution: Let amount A be invested in scheme X and 25000-A in scheme Y.

A*(1 + 6/100)^2 + (25000-A) * (1 + 8/100)^2 = 25000+3518,

1.1236A + (25000-A)*1.1664 = 28518

Solving A = 15000 

4. 3 men finish painting a wall in 8 days. Four boys do the same job in 7 days. In how many days will 2 men and 2 boys working together paint two such walls of the same size? 

Answer: 12 and 12/13 days

Solution: Let work to paint a wall be x.

1 men in 1 day can do x/(3*8) = x/24.

1 boy in 1 day can do x/(4*7) = x/28.

Amount of work done by 2 men and 2 boys in one day = 2*x/24 + 2*x/28

Work to be done = 2x (As two walls are to be painted).

So days required = 2x / (2x/24 + 2x/28)  = 168/13  = 12  and 12/13 days

5. A started a business investing a certain amount. B joined the business after 3 months by investing the same amount as A. At the end of one year received 10% of the net profit of the company as he was also managing the company operations. If in a year B received Rs.81000 as profit, what was the net profit of the company?

Answer: Rs.210000

Solution: Let the amount invested by A and B be x and the net profit be p.

Ratio of A:B investment = 12x:9x.

90% of the profit is to be shared between A and B based on their investment ratio.

B's share = 0.9p * 9x/(12x+9x) = 0.9p * 9/21 = 81000,

Net profit = 210000

6. A lab technician has one solution that is 60% chlorinated and another that is 40% chlorinated. How many liters of 40% chlorinated solution is needed to make a 100 liters solution that is 50% chlorine?

Answer: 50 liters

Solution: Quantity of 40% : Quantity of 60% = (60-50)/(50-40) = 1:1

Hence 100L will contain 50L of each solution

7. A person travels from X to Y at a speed of 40 kmph and returns by increasing his speed by 50%. What is his average speed for both trips?

Answer: 48 kmph

Solution: Average speed = 2xy/(x+y) where x is onward journey speed and y is return journey speed.

x=40 kmph y=40*1.5 = 60 kmph

Avg speed = 2*40*60/(100) = 48 kmph

8. Two numbers are such that the square of one is 224 less than eight times the square of the other number. If the numbers are in the ratio 3:4, their sum is

Answer: 14

Solution: Let the numbers be 3a and 4a.

8*9*a^2 - 16*a^2 =  224,

Solving a=2 or -2

So their sum is 7a = 14 (which is among the given options)

9. Rs.12000 was divided among A,B, and C such that A's share is Rs.2000 more than B but Rs.2000 less than C. What is B's share?

Answer: Rs.2000

Solution: Let B's share = x.

A's share = x+2000

C's share = A's share + 2000 = x+4000.

Hence x+2000 + x + x + 4000 = 12000.


10. If   x/6 = y/96, which of the following can possibly be x+y?

Answer: 16

Solution: If a/p = b/q = c/r , then (a+b+c)/(p+q+r).

The denominator difference is 96-6 = 90.

when x=1, the ration is 1:6. 

Hence the other fraction having ration same as 1:6 is 15:90.

So x+y = sum of numerator = 1+15 = 16.

11. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea worth Rs.50 per kg and Rs.55 per kg so that by selling the mixture at Rs. 57.20 a kg, the gain is 10%?

Answer: 3:2

Solution: S.P. of 1 kg of the mixture = Rs. 57.20,

Gain = 10%.

So the CP = 57.20 * [100 / (100+10)]

C.P. of 1 kg of the mixture = Rs.52

So the mean price is Rs.52,

Using rule of alligation the required ratio of Rs 50 variety tea and Rs 55 variety tea =  (55-52)/(52-50) = 3:2

12. A train traveling at 100 kmph overtakes a car traveling at 64 kmph in 40 seconds. What is the length of the train in meters?

Answer: 400 metres

Solution: Relative speed = 100-64 = 36kmph = 36*5/18 = 10 m/sec

Assume the length of the caris negligible as it is not provided.

Length of train = 40*10 = 400m

13. Rs.260 was divided among A,B,C so that 12A=8B=3C. How much did B get?

Answer: Rs.60

Solution: A = 2B/3 and C=8B/3

2B/3 + B + 8B/3 = 260,

Solving B=60

14. The simple interest on a certain amount for 3 years at 14% per annum is Rs.235.20. Find the amount.

Answer: Rs.560

Solution: S.I = PNR/100,

235.20 = P*3*14/100

Required amount = P = 100 * 235.20 / (3 * 14) = 560

15. 20 men and 5 women can do a piece of work in 50 days. 5 men and 10 women can do the same work in 100 days. In how many days can the same work be done by 1 man and 1 woman?

Answer: 700 days

Solution: Let the amount of work done by a man be M and woman be W.

(20M+5W)*50 = (5M+10W)*100

1000M + 250W = 500M + 1000W,

500M = 750W,

M = 1.5W

16. Petrol and diesel are mixed in two vessels A and B in the ratio 4:3 and 2:3 respectively.  In what ratio, should Petrol and Diesel mixed in these vessels be mixed again to obtain a new mixture in Vessel C so that the mixture contains half petrol and half diesel?

Answer: 7:5

Solution: Let the quantity from vessel A be x litres and from B be y litres.

4x/7 + 2y/5 = 3x/7 + 3y/5,

x/y = 7/5

17. When X liters of fuel was added to a tank that was already one-third full, the tank was filled to 7/9 th of it's capacity. In terms of X, what is the capacity of the tank, in liters?

Answer: 9X/4

Solution: Let tank's capacity be C.

7C/9 - C/3 = X

C = 9X/4

18. A sum was invested at compound interest. The interest for the fourth year was Rs. 500 and the interest for the sixth year was Rs. 605. What was the rate of interest at which the sum was invested?

Answer: 10%

Solution: Let the interest be x%. 

Interest for fifth year = Interest for fourth year + x * interest for fourth year.  = 500 + 500* x/100 = 500 + 5x

Interest for sixth year = Interest for fifth year + x * interest for fifth year.

Hence 605 = 500+5x +  (500+5x) * x/100 

=> 500 + 5x + 5*x*x/100 + 5x  = 605 

=> 10x + x*x/20 = 105 

=> x*x + 200x - 105* 20 = 0

=> x*x + 200x - 2100 = 0

=> (x+210)(x-10) = 0 

As interest is positive x=10. Hence answer is 10%.

19. A sum invested for two years yields an interest of Rs.1200 under simple interest and Rs.1260 under compound interest. What is the sum invested?

Answer: Rs.6000

Solution: S.I for two years = 1200. Hence S.I for one year = 600.

The difference between S.I and C.I is Rs.60 which means the interes on this Rs.600 amounts to Rs.60 in one year.

Hence 600 * R = 60, R=10%.

Let the overall amount invested be A.

A * R = 600,

A * 10/100 = 600, A=6000

20. A grocer has 400 kg of coffee in stock, 20 percent of which is decaffeinated. If the grocer buys another 100 kg of coffee of which 60 percent is decaffeinated, what percent, by weight, of the grocer's stock of coffee is decaffeinated?

Answer: 28%

Solution: Total decaffeinated coffee = 20% * 400 + 60% *100 = 140 kg

Hence reqd % = 100 * 140/500 = 28%

21. 6 men can cut 12 trees in 8 days working 4 hours per day. In how many days can 12 men cut 48 trees working 8 hours a day?

Answer: 8 days

Solution: More men and more hours then less days (Indirect proportion)

More trees then more days (Direct proportion)

Days reqd * 12 * 8 * 12 = 8 * 6 * 4 * 48

Days reqd = 8

22. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10m and C by 14m. In a race of 180m, B will beat C by

Answer: 8m

Solution: When B has travelled 90m, C would have travelled 86m.

Hence distance travelled by C when B has travelled 180m is = 180 * 86/90 = 172m.

Hence B will beat C by 180-172 = 8m

23. What is the distance between Mumbai and Goa if I took one hour more when I travel at 80 kmph than at 90 kmph?

Answer: 720 kms

Solution: Let the distance be x kms.

So x/80 - x/90 = 1

x = 720 kms.

24. Two trains move in the same direction at 50 kmph and 32 kmph respectively. A man in the slower train observes that it takes 15 seconds for the faster train to cross him. What is the length of the faster train?

Answer: 75 m

Solution: Relative speed = 50-32 = 18 kmph = 18*5/18 = 5m/sec

Length = 15*5 = 75

25. A truck starts from Bangalore to Delhi at 6am. A bus starts from Bangalore to Delhi at 8am and travels in the same path as the truck. If the speed of truck is 60kmph and that of the bus is 80kmph, at what time will the bus overtake the truck?

Answer: 2pm

Solution: Time Taken To Meet = Difference In Distance /  Relative Speed

Difference in distance = Distance travelled by truck from 6am to 8am = 2 * 60 = 120kms

Relative speed = 80 – 60 = 20 kmph

Time taken to meet (overtake) = 120/20 = 6 hrs.

Hence the bus will overtake the truck at 8am + 6hrs = 2pm.

26. Bhuvanesh starts working on a job and works on it for 10 days and completes 40% of the work. To help him complete the work, he employs Kadir and together they work for another 12 days and the work gets completed. In how many days Bhuvanesh alone can complete the work?

Answer: None of these

Solution: As Bhuvanesh completes 40% of the work done in 10 days, to complete the entire work he takes 25 days.

Let us assume Kadir can complete the entire work in y days. Let x be the entire work

Hence 0.6x = 12 days  * (x/25 + x/y )

Solving, y=100

27. Balu is five times as efficient as Dinesh and hence completes a given work in 40 days lesser time when compared to Dinesh. If both of them work together, how many days will they take to complete the work?

Answer: 8.33 days

Solution: Let Balu take x days to complete the work. As Balu is thrice as efficient, Dinesh takes 5x days.

5x-x = 40, so x=10, and 5x=50.

Let the total work be 50 units (LCM of 10 and 50).

In one day Dinesh does 50/50 = 1 unit of work and Balu does 50/10 = 5 units of work.

Together they do 6 units of work.

Num of days required by both working together = 50/6 = 8.33 days.

28. A, B and C can together do a piece of work in 20 days, A can do alone in 50 days and B in 60 days. In how many days can C do it alone?

Answer: 75 dayS

29. Three printing presses, A, B, and C, working together at their respective constant rates, can do a certain printing job in 4 hours. B and C, working together at their respective constant rates, can do the same job in 5 hours. How many hours would it take A, working alone at its constant rate, to do the same job?

Answer: 20 hours

Solution: Let total work be 20 units (LCM of 4 and 5).

Work done by A+B+C in 1 hour = 20/4 = 5 units

Work done by B+C in 1 hour = 20/5 = 4 units

Hence work done by A alone in 1 hour = 5-4 = 1 unit

So A alone will take 20/1 = 20 hours

30. Five friends jointly started a business. Three of them were sleeping partners investing certain amount. The working partner received thrice the share of the profit as received by a sleeping partner. If the net profit for a given year in the business is Rs.45000, what was the share of the profit for a working partner?

Answer: Rs.15000

Solution: Let the profit share of a sleeping partner be x.

Profit share of working partner =3x.

Hence 3*x + 2*3x = 45000, x=5000.

Profit share of a working partner = 3x = Rs.15000

31. A rabbit takes 22 leaps for every 17 leaps of cat and 22 leaps of the rabbit are equal to 17 leaps of the cat. What is the ratio of the speeds of rabbit and cat?

Answer: 1:1

Solution: Let rabbit cover a distance of r in a leap and cat cover c in a leap.

Distance covered in a given time by rabbit = 22r and by cat = 17c

Given 22r=17c which means they cover same distance in given time.

Hence the ratio of speeds is 1:1

32. A person covers a distance of 60 km in 6 hrs partly on foot at the rate of 4 km/hr and partly on a cycle at 14 km/hr. Find the distance traveled on foot.

Answer: 2.4 hours

Solution: Let time taken to travel on foot be x hrs.

4x + 14(6-x) = 60, x=2.4 hrs

33. Fifteen workers working for six hours a day can complete a work in 40 days. Then, how many days will 20 workers working for four hours a day take to complete the same work?

Answer: 45 days

Solution: Let the required number of days be x.

More workers , less days. (Indirect proportion)

More working hours , less days. (Indirect proportion)

So 15:20 :: x:40

And 6:4 :: x:40

15*6*40 = 20*4*x

x = 45 days.

34. It takes 15 seconds for a train travelling at 60 km/hour to cross entirely another train half its length and travelling in opposite direction at 48 km/hour. It also passes a bridge in 51 seconds. The length of the bridge is

Answer: 550 m

Solution: 60 kmph = 60*5/18 = 50/3 m/sec

48 kmph = 48*5/18 = 40/3 m/sec

Let the length of trains be 2L and L.

3L/(50/3 + 40/3) = 15, Solving L=150 m.

So the longer train's length = 2L = 300m

Let the length of the bridge be B.

Also it is given 2L + B = 51 * 50/3,

300+B = 850, Solving B=550 m

35. Four employees at a certain company worked on a project. The amounts of time that the four employees worked on the project were in the ratio 2 to 3 to 5 to 6. If one of the four employees worked on the project for 30 hours, which of the following cannot be the total number of hours that the four employees worked on the project?

Answer: 178

Solution: The amount of hours worked be 2x,3x,5x,6x.

If 2x=30, x=15 and the total = 16x = 240 hours

If 3x-30, x=10 and the total = 16x = 160 hours

If 5x=30, x=6 the total = 16x = 96 hours

If 6x=30, x=5 and the total = 16x = 80 hours

Hence going through the options 178 is the answer

36. Ramesh deposited Rs.5000 at x% and Rs.2000 at x+2% and Rs.1000 at x+3%, which amounted to Rs.10200 after five years at a simple interest. Had the interest being 2% more for each of the amount deposited, how much additional money would Ramesh earn as interest?

Answer: Rs.800

Solution: As it is simple interest, the value of x does not matter and hence additional money in 5 years = 2% * (5000+2000+1000) * 5 = Rs.800

37. Two farmers Hari and Krishna rented a field for grazing goats. Hari used the field for first 8 months for his 15 goats. Krishna used the field for the remaining period. If the final amount paid as rent for the year was Rs.3000 and Krishna paid Rs.600 less than Hari, how many of Krishna's goats grazed the field?

Answer: None of these

Solution: Ans: None of the above (As actual answer is 20 goats.)

Let amount paid by Hari = x, amount paid by Krishna = x-600,

x+x-600 = 3000, so Hari paid Rs.1800 and Krishna paid Rs.1200.

Let the number of Krishna's goats which grazed be x.

Hence 8 months * 15 :  4 months * x = 1800:1200 = 3:2,

x = (8*15*2)/(4*3) = 20

38. A takes 2 days to complete one-third of a job, B takes 2 days to complete one-sixth of the same work and C takes 4 days to complete half the job. If all of them work together for 2 days and C quits, how long will it take for A and B to complete the remaining work done?.

Answer: 1 day

Solution: A takes 6 days to complete the job (as 2 days for one-third), B takes 12 days to complete the job (as 2 days for one-sixth), C takes 8 days.

Let the amount of work to do the job be 24 units (24 is LCM of 6,12,8). 

In one day, A does 24/6 = 4 units, B does 24/12 = 2 units, C does 24/8 = 3 units.

So work done by A,B,C in 2 days = 2*(4+2+3) = 18 units.

Work remaining after 2 days = 24-18 = 6 units. Hence A and B will take 6/(4+2) = 1 day.

39. A can complete a piece of work in 8 hours, B can complete the same in 10 hours and C in 12 hours. A,B,C start the work together but  A leaves after 2 hours. Find the time taken by B and C to complete the remaining work?

Answer: 2 (1/11) hours

Solution: Let the total work be 120 units (LCM of 8,10,12).

In 1 hour A can do = 120/8 = 15 units , B=12 units and C=10 units.

All three start the work. In 2 hrs they complete 2*(15+12+10) = 74 units.

Now A leaves. Remaining work = 120-74 = 46 units.

B and c can do 22 units per hour.

So time taken = 46/22 = 2 (1/11) hours.

40. A sum of Rs.90 is made of 200 coins which are either 25 paise coins or 50 paise coins. The number of 25 paise coins is

Answer: 40

Solution: Average paise per coin = 9000/200 = 45

Using rule of alligation, ratio of number of 25 paise/50 paise = (50-45)/(45-25) = 5/20 = 1/4

Number of 25 paise coins = 200*1/5 = 40

Set B

1. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

She was conspicuous by her absence in the meeting held yesterday.

Answer: apparent

2. Choose the antonym of the given word


Answer: Purify

3. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.



Solution: The word is EXPAND which means INCREASE

4. Choose the part of the sentence that has error in it.

 After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very well.

Answer: she looked very well.

Solution: The correct sentence is " After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very good."

5. Choose the option to replace the phrase highlighted to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, choose "No correction required"

The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.

Answer: worse than I had expected

6. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

The poor postman was bite on the leg by my neighbor's guard dog.

Answer: was bite on

Solution: Error is in "was bite on".

correct sentence is  "The poor postman was bitten on the leg by my neighbour's guard dog."

7. Choose the option to replace the highlighted phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.

She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and then relaxing.

Answer: then relaxes

Solution: Note: Parallelism rule is applied.

8. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who betrays his own country.

Answer: Traitor

9. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word.

The publisher replied to the unfledged author.

Answer: experienced

Solution: Unfledged means "Young and inexperienced"

10. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

One who will never cease to exist

Answer: immortal

11. Choose the part of the sentence that has error in it.

 The strawberry shortcake tastes deliciously and hence I had plenty of it.

Answer: deliciously and

Solution: The correct sentence is " The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious and hence I had plenty of it."

12. Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the definition below.

Incapable of being seen through

Answer: Opaque

Solution: Opaque (which means "impenetrable to sight")

13. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word.

You should be wary of the pitfalls.

Answer: heedless

Solution: Wary means "Marked by keen caution and watchful prudence"

14. Choose the option to replace the highlighted phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.

They are not beware of all the facts

Answer: are not aware of

15. Choose the ANTONYM for ZENITH

Answer: nadir

Solution: Zenith means "the greatest height or the top most point"

16. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The factory workers are restive as the bonus has not been declared.

Answer: restless

17. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

He was in a great gusto at the end of the day

Answer: Frustration

Solution: Gusto means "Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment"

18. Choose the part of the sentence containing an error.

The principal along with the students have gone to Goa.

Answer: have gone to Goa.

19. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who makes first appearance in a role.

Answer: Debutant

20. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

He enunciates certain words differently

Answer: Mumble

Solution: Enunciate means to speak clearly and loudly.

21. Find the antonym of the given word


Answer: Lauded

Solution: Execrated means "Curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment" that is to detest or loathe.

22. Choose the option to replace the highlighted part of the sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Despite of their difference, they had one important thing in common.

Answer: Despite their

Solution: The correct sentence is " Despite their difference, they had one important thing in common."

23. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.


Answer: BACK

Solution: The word is BEHIND which means BACK

24. Choose the part of the sentence which has an error in it.

Each of these players have been warned not to repeat the mistake.

Answer: have been warned 

Solution: It must be "has been warned"

25. Choose the part of the sentence which has error in it.

Madan has given his entrance examination today.

Answer: given his 

Solution: It must be "taken his"

26. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The villagers offered us an excellent repast.

Answer: a good meal

27. Directions: Read the following sentence and select the option that best replaces the underlined part.

The boss was very displeased for my conduct.

Answer: at my conduct

28. Directions: Read the following sentence and select the option that best replaces the underlined part.

The freshers have been attended their classes since February.

Answer: have been attending

29. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Look back in the past to know what went wrong.

Answer: Retrospect

30. Choose the option to replace the highlighted part and hence improve the sentence.

If he had time, he will call you.

Answer: has

31. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

Arun is Pradeep's man Friday.

Answer: chief assistant

Solution: Ans: chief assistant (or right hand man)

32. Choose the part of the sentence which has error.

The fields have soil so rich that corn growing here commonly had stood more than five feet tall.

Answer: commonly had stood more than

Solution: The correct sentence is "The fields have soil so rich that corn growing here commonly stands more than five feet tall."

33. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who is cruel but equally coward.

Answer: Dastard

34. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

A person who is blindly devoted to an idea.

Answer: Chauvinist

35. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

Have every girl gone home yet? It is nearly 10.00 p.m.

Answer: Have every girl

Solution: Error is in "Have every girl".

correct sentence is  "Has every girl gone home yet ? It is nearly 10.00 p.m."

36. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

Person who talks too much or too often only about himself

Answer: Egoist

37. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

He has improved his communication skills and learnt catchy phrases.

Answer: easily remembered

38. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.



Solution: The word is DEARTH which means SCARCITY (or shortage)

39. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Large scale leaving of the people from their homes

Answer: Exodus

40. Choose the word that is an antonym of the given word.


Answer: Ans: Dislike

Yen means "A yearning for something or to do something"

41. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

A religious war

Answer: Crusade

42. Choose the correct answer which will act as a one word substitute.

Present opposing arguments or evidence

Answer: Rebut

Solution: "Rebut" means "Present opposing arguments or evidence"

43. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

The Principal warned him for his egregious behaviour

Answer: Inoffensive

Solution: Egregious means "Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible"

44. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who has lost hope or is dejected.

Answer: Despondent

45. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

He said he telephoned to her this morning but there was no reply.

Answer: he telephoned to her

Solution: Error is in "he telephoned to her".

Correct sentence is "He said he telephoned her this morning but there was no reply".

46. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

Up-to-dateness or neat in dress and manners

Answer: spruce

47. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The man left the police station contrite.

Answer: penitent 

48. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

You should not be callous to old people.

Answer: indurate

49. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who is the seniormost member of a prominent family.

Answer: Doyen

50. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

People with diffidence can never succeed in their life

Answer: Diffdence means "Lack of self-confidence"

Set C

1. Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 24 days for 70 cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many cows are needed to eat the grass in 96 days?

Answer: 20

Solution: Let the initial amount of grass be g and growth rate per day be r.

The amount which a cow eats in one day = c.

g + 24r = 24*70*c - Eqn1

g + 60r = 30*60*c - Eqn2

Using the above two equations, 36r=120c - Eqn3,

Now for 96 days, let the days required be n.

g + 96r = 96 * n * c - Eqn4,

Subtracting Eqn2 from Eqn4,

36r = c(96n-1800), Now from Eqn3, 36r=120c.

Hence 120c=c(96n-1800), solving n= 1920/96 = 20

2. If the list price of a book is reduced by Rs.5, then a person can buy 5 more books for Rs. 300. The list price of the book is

Answer: Rs.20

Solution: Let the list price be x. Number of books that can be bought = 300/x

Now when reduced by Rs.5, number of books that can be bought = 300/(x-5).

Hence 300/(x-5)  - 300/x = 5,

300x - 300x + 1500 = 5 * x * (x-5),

x^2 -5x -300 = 0,

(x-20)(x+15) = 0.

Solving x=20 (as the price cannot be negative for x=-15.

3. In a party all the Indian guests ate 2 dosas, each Russian guest ate 4, each Belgian ate 8, and all Chinese guests ate 12. There had been a total of 468 dosas served. The number of guests from each country was equal. How many guests in total were in the party?

Answer: 72

Solution: Let the number of guest from each country be x.

2x+4x+8x+12x=468, x=468/26=18.

Total num of guests = 4x = 4*18 = 72.

4. Lavanya has the same number of sisters as she has brothers, but her brother Ram has twice as many sisters as he has brothers. How many children are there in the family?

Answer: 7

Solution: Let num of male children be b and female children be s.



Using the eqns, b+1=2b-2, b=3 and s=4

Total children=3+4=7

5. A man ate 100 bananas in five days, each day eating 6 more than the previous day. How many bananas did he eat on the first day? 

Answer: 8

Solution: He ate 8 bananas on the first day.

Let the bananas he ate on first day be x.

In five days,  x + (x+6) + (x+12) + (x+18) + (x+24) = 5x + 60

Now 5x+60 = 100, hence x=8.

6. In a car wheel, two spokes cover 15 degree. Then for an entire car, how many spokes are there?

Answer: 96

Solution: Number of spokes in a single wheel= 360/15 = 24

A car has to have minimum four wheels. Hence total number of spokes = 24*4 = 96 or should be higher. Among the given options 96 is the answer

7. An investor purchased shares of stock at a certain price. If the stock increased in price at Rs 0.25 per share and the total increase in the value for the shares purchased was Rs 12.50, how many shares did the investor purchase?

Answer: 50

Solution: Num of stocks purchased = 12.50/0.25 = 50

8. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D each contributing equal amount. If three men drop out how much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift?

Answer: 3D/(M*M - 3M)

Solution: Original contribution by one man = D/M.

Now as three left, additional contribution = 3D/M/(M-3) = 3D/(M*M - 3M)

9. The price of a table is Rs. 400 more than the price of a chair.If 6 tables and 6 chairs together cost Rs.4800, what is the price of a table?

Answer: Rs.600

Solution: Let price of a chair be x, price of table=x+400.

6(x+x+400)=4800, Solving x=200,

Price of table = x+400 = Rs.600

10. Three members went for hunting in a forest with equal number of cartridges. While crossing a river, the cartridges of two of them got wet and hence discarded. Then the third person divided his cartridges equally. After 4 shots by each person, total cartridges remaining were equal to the cartridges the third person shared. How many total cartridges were there initially when they started hunting?

Answer: 54

Solution: Let initial num be 9x and hence each had 3x.

Now third person shared x,x,x

As they fired four shots,

3(x-4) = x,

Solving x = 6

Total cartridges = 9x = 54

11. Two full tanks one shaped like a cylinder and the other like a cone contain liquid fuel. The cylindrical tank held 500 liters more then the conical tank.  After 200 liters of fuel is pumped out from each tank the cylindrical tank now contains twice the amount of fuel in the conical tank. How many liters of fuel did the cylindrical tank have when it was full?

Answer: 1200 liters

Solution: Let fuel in cylindrical tank be x litres and in conical be y litres.

x = y+500 - Eqn 1

Also it is given x-200 = 2(y-200)

Using eqn 1, y+500-200 = 2y-400, y=700.

Hence cylindrical tank had y+500 = 1200 liters.

12. The dimensions of a certain machine are 48" X 30" X 52". If the size of the machine is increased proportionately until the sum of its dimensions equals 156", what will be the increase in the shortest side?

Answer: 6"

Solution: Let the factor for proportional increase = a.

48a + 30a + 52a = 156,

a = 156/130.

Hence shortest side will become = 30*156/130 = 36"

Hence increase = 36-30 = 6"

13. Y catches 5 times more fish than X. If total number of fish caught by X and Y is 42, what is the number of fish caught by Y?

Answer: 35

Solution: Let number caught by X = a. Then number caught by Y = 5a.

a+5a = 42,  a=7. 

Number caught by Y = 5a = 35.

14. A physical education teacher arranges students and finds that the number of rows and columns are equal. He finds that 20 more students have come additionally and he could place them to completely fill yet another row (or column). What is the final number of the students who have been arranged?

Answer: 420

Solution: As the initial number of rows and columns are equal, the arrangement is square shaped. Now when 20 arrive if they can completely fill one row or column it means earlier 20 were in a row or column. Hence total number of students = 20 *20 + 20 (who arrived additionally) = 420.

15. Sandhya wanted to buy 5 kgs of oranges. The vendor kept the 5 kg weight on the right side and weighed 6 oranges for that. She doubted on the correctness of the balance and placed 5 kg weight on the left side and she could weigh 20 oranges for 5 kgs. If the balance was accurate how many oranges she would have got for 10 kilograms?

Answer: 26

Solution: Let the additional weight on the left side be x.

Let the average weight of an orange be a.

x+6a = 5kgs

x+5 = 20a

Solving, a=5/13 kgs.

Hence for 10 kgs she should have got 10/1/5/13 = 26 oranges.

16. If  S= (10/7 * (R+2W)) +  QP, which of the following is true?

Answer: P=(7S-10R-20W)/7Q

Solution: The above eqn becomes,

7S = 10R + 20W + 7QP.

So P=(7S-10R-20W)/7Q

17. A quiz has 50 questions. A person scores 1 mark for a correct answer, –1/3 for a wrong answer, and –1/6 for not attempting a question. If the net score of a person is 32, the number of questions answered wrongly by that person cannot be less than

Answer: 3

Solution: Let number of correctly answered be c, wrongly answered be w and not attempted be u.

c - w/3 -u/6 = 32,

6c -2w - u = 192 - Eqn 1

c + w + u = 50   - Eqn 2

Adding both Eqn1 and 2,

7c - w = 242,

c = (242+w)/7.

c should be a whole number. Hence for 242+w to be divisible by 7, minimum required value of w is 3 (as 245 is divisible by 7).

Hence answer is 3.

18. A servant is paid Rs.100 plus one shirt for a full year of work. He works for 6 months and gets Rs.20 plus a shirt. What is the cost of the shirt?

Answer: Rs 60

Solution: In 6 months he is supposed to get Rs.50 + Half shirt.

But he got Rs.20 and a full shirt.

Let the cost of the shirt be x.

50 + x/2 = 20 + x,

x = 60

19. If G(0) = -1,  G(1)= 1 and G(N) = G(N-1) – G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?

Answer: -1

Solution: As G(N) = G(N-1) – G(N-2),

G(2) = G(1) - G(0) = 1 - (-1) = 2

G(3) = 2-1 = 1

G(4) = 1-2 = -1

G(5) = -1-1 = -2

G(6) = -2 -(-1) = -1

20. From its total income, a sales company spent Rs.20,000 for advertising, half of the remainder on commissions and had Rs.6000 left. What was its total income?

Answer: Rs.32000

Solution: Let total income = x

(x-20000) - 1/2(x-20000) = 6000

x/2 -10000 = 6000

Solving x=32000

21. Ajay, Bimal, Chandok, David play a game. In the beginning all had equal points (score). The winner collects half the amount of all other players. In the first round Chandok wins. In the 2nd round Bimal wins and in the 3rd round Bimal again wins. At this time, the scores of Ajay,Bimal,Chandok are : Ajay=50, Bimal=1250, Chandok=250. What was the score of David in the beginning of the game?

Answer: 400

Solution: As A and D did not win, both will have same points (Score). So total points at the end of 3rd round = 50+1250+250+50=1600.

As every one had equal score in the beginning, score of David in the beginning of the game = 1600/4 = 400.

22. If .2t = 2.2 - .6s and .5s = .2t + 1.1, then what is the value of s?

Answer: 3

Solution: Using the eqns given,

.5s = 2.2 - .6s + 1.1

s = 3.3/1.1 = 3

23. In a zoo, there are deers and ducks. If the heads are counted, there are 62 heads, while the number of legs is 202. What is the number of deers in the zoo?

Answer: 39

Solution: Let number of deers be D and ducks be U.

D+U = 62 - Eqn 1

4D+2U = 202 - Eqn 2

Solving these two eqns, D=39

24. Janani took a test that had 20 questions.  The total score was computed by awarding 10 points for each correct answer and deducting 5 points for each incorrect answer.  Janani answered all 20 questions and received a score of 125.  How many of the questions were answered incorrectly?

Answer: 5

Solution: Let the num of questions answered correctly be x. Then answered wrongly=20-x.

10x - (20-x)*5 = 125, solving x=225/15 = 15.

Hence questions answered incorrectly = 20-15 = 5

25. 5 coffee and 4 tea costs Rs.96. 5 badam milk and 6 coffee costs Rs.32 and 7 tea and 6 badam milk costs Rs.37. What is the combined price of 1tea, 1 coffee and 1 badam milk?

Answer: Rs.15

Solution: Let the price of one coffee, tea and badam be c,t,b.




Adding all eqns, 11c+11b+11t = 165

Hence c+b+t = 15

Set D

1. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. 

A. If caught in the act, they were punished, not for the crime, but for allowing themselves to be caught another lash of the whip.

B. The bellicose Spartans sacrificed all the finer things in life for military expertise.

C. Those fortunate enough to survive babyhood were taken away from their mothers at the age of seven to undergo rigorous military training.

D. This consisted mainly of beatings and deprivations of all kinds like going around barefoot in winter, and worse, starvation so that they would be forced to steal food to survive.

E. Male children were examined at birth by the city council and those deemed too weak to become soldiers were left to die of exposure.

Answer: BECDA

2. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

A man is known ___ the company he keeps.

Answer: by

3. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. The two neighbours never fought each other.

B. Fights involving three male fiddler crabs have been recorded, but the status of the participants was unknown.

C. They pushed or grappled only with the intruder.

D. We recorded 17 cases in which a resident that was fighting an intruder was joined by an immediate neighbour, an ally.

E. We therefore tracked 268 intruder males until we saw them fighting a resident male."

Answer: BEDAC

4. Choose the option which can replace the highlighted Idiom in the below sentence.

The sight of the accident made my flesh creep.

Answer: frightened me

5. Choose the wrongly spelt word.

Answer: Tution

6. Which of the following words is spelt correctly?

Answer: loquacious

7. Choose the option to fill in the blanks

He is ___ cricket.

Answer: fond of playing

Solution: The correct form is "fond of doing something"

8. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Bouquet

9. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiomatic phrase.

Call it a day

Answer: good bye to active life

10. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most likely to be hit in rapid succession on opposite sides. This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that was the idea.

B. A different layout, which had been patented by August Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be much faster.

C. The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873) aimed to solve a mechanical problem of early typewriters.

D. Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted, even though (with electric typewriters and then PCs) the antijamming rationale for QWERTY has been defunct for years.

E. When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly, the type bars often jammed.

Answer: CEABD

11. Find the meaning of the highlighted idiom :

Tom did not mince words

Answer: To say what you mean as clearly and simply as possible

Solution: "To say what you mean clearly and directly, even if you upset people by doing this" is the correct meaning of the highlighted idiom.

12. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Four days later, Ora announced its own bid for Peop, and invited the firm’s board to a discussion.

B. Furious that his own plans had been endangered, Peop’s boss, Craig, called Ora’s offer "diabolical", and its boss, Larry, a "sociopath".

C. In early June, Peop said that it would buy J.D.E, a smaller rival.

D. Moreover, said Mr. Craig, "he could imagine no price nor combination of price and other conditions to recommend accepting the offer."

E. On June 12th, Peop turned Ora down.

Answer: CABDE

13. Find the word spelt incorrectly.

Answer: Maintanance

14. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. In the west, Allied Forces had fought their way through southern Italy as far as Rome.

B. In June 1944 Germany’s military position in World War Two appeared hopeless.

C. In Britain, the task of amassing the men and materials for the liberation of northern Europe had been completed.

D. The Red Army was poised to drive the Nazis back through Poland.

E. The situation on the eastern front was catastrophic.

Answer: BEDAC

15. Choose the most logical order of the below sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

A) Bar comes from the word dance in Armenian which is bar. 

B) The characteristic of their formation is that they are performed side-by-side, hand, shoulder and arm-in-arm. 

C) Later, clarinet has been added to the woman bars.

D) With their structure and formation, they are the dances performed by groups in the open. 

E) Woman and man bars are different from one another. The principal instruments of our bar dances are davul and zurna (shrill pipe). 

F) They are spread, in general, over the eastern part of Anatolia (Erzurum, Bayburt, Agri, Kars, Artvin and Erzincan provinces). 

G) Bar is a form of folk dance from eastern Turkey. 

Answer: GADFBEC 

16. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. medicine 2. a 3. Neeta 4. given 5. was

Answer: 35421

Solution: The sentence is "Neeta was given a medicine."

17. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

A son was born ___ her.

Answer: to

18. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

The fans exulted ___ the defeat of the opponent team.

Answer: over

19. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

He seems irritated ___ my refusal.

Answer: at

20. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

A. Passivity is not, of course, universal.

B. In areas where there are no lords or laws, or in frontier zones where all men go armed, the attitude of the peasantry may well be different.

C. So indeed it may be on the fringe of the unsubmissive.

D. However, for most of the soil-bound peasants the problem is not whether to be normally passive or active, but when to pass from one state to another.

E. This depends on an assessment of the political situation.

Answer: ABCDE

21. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. bag  2. you  3. seen  4. have  5. my

Answer: 42351

Solution: The sentence is "Have you seen my bag."

22. Choose the wrongly spelt word.

Answer: Amature

23. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

She shows some aptitude ___ languages.

Answer: for 

24. Find the meaning of the highlighted phrase

John is looking a little *pale around the gills. *

Answer: Looking sick

Solution: "pale around the gills." means "Looking sick".

25. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Excessive

26. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Palate

Solution: Palate means "the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities"

27. Sentences from a paragraph are given in random order. Choose the option containing the order of sentences required to form a coherent paragraph.

A. Marketers often make their decisions based on cliched judgements, yet consumers make theirs on idiosyncratic whims at the time of purchase.

B. I’ve gotten over being surprised at the exasperation of marketers facing real life consumer reaction when it flies in the face of market research.

C. Did you know that big consumers of gourmet ice cream are also devotees of diet soda?

D. The only logic about the consumer market is that there really is none.

Answer: CBAD

28. Choose the most logical order of the below sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

A) As a safety measure, four straps run from the ends of the rods to a waist belt. 

B) The design is a marked improvement over another folio which depicts a man trying to break the force of his fall by the means of two long cloth streamers fastened to two bars which he grips with his hands.

C) The earliest evidence for the parachute dates back to the Renaissance period.

D) Although the surface area of the parachute design appears to be too small to offer effective resistance to the friction of the air and the wooden base-frame is superfluous and potentially harming, the revolutionary character of the new concept is obvious.

E) The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy, showing a free-hanging man clutching a cross bar frame attached to a conical canopy.

Answer: CEABD

29. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. not  2. hotel  3. comfortable  4. was  5. the

Answer: 52413

Solution: The sentence is "The hotel was not comfortable."

30. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

The two countries have entered ___ various agreements.

Answer: into

31. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiom.

See eye to eye

Answer: agree

32. Find the word spelt incorrectly.

Answer: Inflamable

33. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiom.

Right-hand man

Answer: most efficient assistant

34. Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits. RAPETEKA

Answer: Bird

Solution: The word is PARAKEET (Its  a type of parrot). Hence it belongs to the "BIRD" category.

35. Find the meaning of the highlighted phrase

Tim has been dawdling about all morning

Answer: To waste time in a place

Solution: "Dawdling about" means "To waste time in a place" or "The deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working"

36. Choose the most logical order of the below sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

A) Since the 1910s they have been used in submarines and ships. 

B) They were originally used as a more efficient replacement for stationary steam engines.

C) In the 1930s, they slowly began to be used in a few automobiles. 

D) Diesel engines are manufactured in two-stroke and four-stroke versions. 

E) Use in locomotives, trucks, heavy equipment and electric generating plants followed later. 

F) Since the 1970s, the use of diesel engines in larger on-road and off-road vehicles in the USA increased. 

Answer: DBAECF


37. One of the words is misspelt. Choose the misspelt word.

Answer: Memorundam

38. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. at  2. it  3. take  4. once  5. away

Answer: 32514

Solution: The sentence is "Take it away at once."

39. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

I hold you liable ___ the murder.

Answer: for

40. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

You cannot dispense __ the use of air conditioner in summer.

Answer: with

41. Which of the following words is spelt correctly?

Answer: fastidious

42. Choose the wrongly spelt word

Answer: Despute

43. Find the meaning of the highlighted idiom :

In terms of profitability, the company is streets ahead of its nearest rival.

Answer: To be much better or more advanced than someone or something else.

44. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

The children were fascinated ___ the toys in the shop.

Answer: by

45. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Rigorous

46. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

You should derive benefit __ the experience of others.

Answer: from

47. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the below idiom.

To fall flat

Answer: to be met with a cold reception

48. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

Have you seen the sequel __ that movie?

Answer: to

49. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. Choose the option containing the correct order of parts.

1. not  2. Harry  3. away  4. run  5. did

Answer: 25143

Solution: The sentence is "Harry did not run away."

50. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

My sister differs ___ me both in looks and habits.

Answer: from

51. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Benefited

52. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Treacherous

Solution: Ans: Treacherous which means "Dangerously unstable and unpredictable"

53. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option.

It is a true pleasure for me to write this letter of  _____  for my student Salina.

Answer: recommendation

Solution: recommendation is the correct spelling. 

54. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Indispensable

55. Choose the option to fill in the blanks.

She is disposed __ travelling abroad.

Answer: to

Set E

1. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

She was conspicuous by her absence in the meeting held yesterday.

Answer: apparent

2. Choose the antonym of the given word


Answer: Purify

3. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.



Solution: The word is EXPAND which means INCREASE

4. Choose the part of the sentence that has error in it.

 After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very well.

Answer: she looked very well.

Solution: The correct sentence is " After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very good."

5. Choose the option to replace the phrase highlighted to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, choose "No correction required"

The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.

Answer: worse than I had expected

6. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

The poor postman was bite on the leg by my neighbor's guard dog.

Answer: was bite on

Solution: Error is in "was bite on".

correct sentence is  "The poor postman was bitten on the leg by my neighbour's guard dog."

7. Choose the option to replace the highlighted phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.

She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and then relaxing.

Answer: then relaxes

Solution: Note: Parallelism rule is applied.

8. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who betrays his own country.

Answer: Traitor

9. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word.

The publisher replied to the unfledged author.

Answer: experienced

Solution: Unfledged means "Young and inexperienced"

10. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

One who will never cease to exist

Answer: immortal

11. Choose the part of the sentence that has error in it.

 The strawberry shortcake tastes deliciously and hence I had plenty of it.

Answer: deliciously and

Solution: The correct sentence is " The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious and hence I had plenty of it."

12. Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the definition below.

Incapable of being seen through

Answer: Opaque

Solution: Opaque (which means "impenetrable to sight")

13. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word.

You should be wary of the pitfalls.

Answer: heedless

Solution: Wary means "Marked by keen caution and watchful prudence"

14. Choose the option to replace the highlighted phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct.

They are not beware of all the facts

Answer: are not aware of

15. Choose the ANTONYM for ZENITH

Answer: nadir

Solution: Zenith means "the greatest height or the top most point"

16. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The factory workers are restive as the bonus has not been declared.

Answer: restless

17. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

He was in a great gusto at the end of the day

Answer: Frustration

Solution: Gusto means "Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment"

18. Choose the part of the sentence containing an error.

The principal along with the students have gone to Goa.

Answer: have gone to Goa.

19. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who makes first appearance in a role.

Answer: Debutant

20. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

He enunciates certain words differently

Answer: Mumble

Solution: Enunciate means to speak clearly and loudly.

21. Find the antonym of the given word


Answer: Lauded

Solution: Execrated means "Curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment" that is to detest or loathe.

22. Choose the option to replace the highlighted part of the sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Despite of their difference, they had one important thing in common.

Answer: Despite their

Solution: The correct sentence is " Despite their difference, they had one important thing in common."

23. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.


Answer: BACK

Solution: The word is BEHIND which means BACK

24. Choose the part of the sentence which has an error in it.

Each of these players have been warned not to repeat the mistake.

Answer: have been warned 

Solution: It must be "has been warned"

25. Choose the part of the sentence which has error in it.

Madan has given his entrance examination today.

Answer: given his 

Solution: It must be "taken his"

26. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The villagers offered us an excellent repast.

Answer: a good meal

27. Directions: Read the following sentence and select the option that best replaces the underlined part.

The boss was very displeased for my conduct.

Answer: at my conduct

28. Directions: Read the following sentence and select the option that best replaces the underlined part.

The freshers have been attended their classes since February.

Answer: have been attending

29. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Look back in the past to know what went wrong.

Answer: Retrospect

30. Choose the option to replace the highlighted part and hence improve the sentence.

If he had time, he will call you.

Answer: has

31. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

Arun is Pradeep's man Friday.

Answer: chief assistant

Solution: Ans: chief assistant (or right hand man)

32. Choose the part of the sentence which has error.

The fields have soil so rich that corn growing here commonly had stood more than five feet tall.

Answer: commonly had stood more than

Solution: The correct sentence is "The fields have soil so rich that corn growing here commonly stands more than five feet tall."

33. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Person who is cruel but equally coward.

Answer: Dastard

34. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

A person who is blindly devoted to an idea.

Answer: Chauvinist

35. Identify the part of the sentence which has error.

Have every girl gone home yet? It is nearly 10.00 p.m.

Answer: Have every girl

Solution: Error is in "Have every girl".

correct sentence is  "Has every girl gone home yet ? It is nearly 10.00 p.m."

36. Choose the most suitable 'one word' for the following expression given below:

Person who talks too much or too often only about himself

Answer: Egoist

37. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

He has improved his communication skills and learnt catchy phrases.

Answer: easily remembered

38. The jumbled letters of a meaningful word are given below. Rearrange the letters to form the meaningful word and then select the option which is almost similar in meaning to the word.



Solution: The word is DEARTH which means SCARCITY (or shortage)

39. Choose the option which is a one word substitute for the below description.

Large scale leaving of the people from their homes

Answer: Exodus

40. Choose the word that is an antonym of the given word.


Answer: Ans: Dislike

Yen means "A yearning for something or to do something"

41. Choose the option which is a one-word substitute for the below description.

A religious war

Answer: Crusade

42. Choose the correct answer which will act as a one-word substitute.

Present opposing arguments or evidence

Answer: Rebut

Solution: "Rebut" means "Present opposing arguments or evidence"

43. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

The Principal warned him for his egregious behavior

Answer: Inoffensive

Solution: Egregious means "Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible"

44. Choose the option which is a one-word substitute for the below description.

A person who has lost hope or is dejected.

Answer: Despondent

45. Identify the part of the sentence which has an error.

He said he telephoned to her this morning but there was no reply.

Answer: he telephoned to her

Solution: Error is in "he telephoned to her".

The correct sentence is "He said he telephoned her this morning but there was no reply".

46. Choose the most suitable 'one word for the following expression given below:

Up-to-dateness or neat in dress and manners

Answer: spruce

47. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

The man left the police station contrite.

Answer: penitent 

48. Choose the option which is similar in meaning to the highlighted word.

You should not be callous to old people.

Answer: indurate

49. Choose the option which is a one-word substitute for the below description.

A person who is the seniormost member of a prominent family.

Answer: Doyen

50. Choose the antonym of the highlighted word

People with diffidence can never succeed in their life

Answer: Diffdence means "Lack of self-confidence"

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