What is Time Management? Meaning, Purpose and Benefits

What is the meaning of  'time management?

Time management means organizing our time efficiently. It refers to the ability to use our time well. If we have good time management skills, we are able to complete all of our projects in time and avoid wasting time when we could be using it for something worthwhile.

Time management refers to the practice of apportioning our time so that we get all of our tasks done. It is the process of thinking about what we need to achieve, and how much time we have to achieve it. Time management involves, therefore, spending the right amount of time on the right things. It is something we can do over relatively long or relatively short periods of time. Good time management is not just about getting all of our work done. If we are good at managing our time, we can make sure that we use our leisure time as well as possible too.

Time Management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. It involves a juggling act of various demands upon a person relating to work, social life, family, hobbies, personal interests, and commitments with the finiteness of time. Using time effectively gives the person "choice" on spending/managing activities at their own time and expediency.

Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually, the term broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Time management is usually a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope. It is also important to understand that both technical and structural differences in time management exist due to variations in cultural concepts of time.

Ways of managing time well: Some things that we can use to help us to manage our time include journals, calendars, automatic reminders on our computers, and to-do lists. These all enable us to remember what we need to do - and when. Being able to visualize our time in the form of a list or a spreadsheet is very useful! But, it is also important that we do not be overly programmatic in the way that we organize our time. We want to have enough flexibility in our schedule to be able to be there for our friends when they need us, for example, or to take advantage of any unexpected opportunities that arise in our lives.

The gift of time: Even if we do not have any money, we can still give people the gift of our time. We can use our time to listen to them, to share a laugh with them, to do something helpful for them - or just to spend some quality time with them in general! So, good time management is also about ensuring that we have time that we can spend with others as well.

Other benefits of good time management: Another key benefit of being able to manage our time well is that we reduce the amount of stress in our lives. Few things are as stressful as rushing to meet a deadline, working through the night and feeling that if only we had more time to work on the project, we would have been able to produce something of much better quality. And, in general, time management skills enable us to achieve much more in our lives!

The major themes arising from the literature on time management include the following:
• Creating an environment conducive to effectiveness
• Setting of priorities
• The related process of reduction of time spent on non-priorities
• Implementation of goals 

Purpose of time management

There are many ways that time management can help us in our lives. The behind developing time management skills are as follows:

Saving money: using time efficiently makes our work more profitable. As the saying goes, 'time is money, and in many contexts, this is very literally true.

Meeting deadlines: time management is an essential skill if we want to meet our deadlines.

Achieving our goals: we can only achieve our goals if we have enough time to take all of the necessary steps toward them.

Enjoying our leisure time: when we manage our time well, we find that we have plenty of time left over to relax.

Courtesy: it is courteous not to keep other people waiting whilst we try and finish other tasks.

Effective Time Management Techniques

It is easy to manage time effectively when you use the techniques below.

Be realistic about what you want to achieve and how much time you have to do it. Time management plans should always be achievable, and we should always be able to carry them out without having to cause ourselves undue amounts of stress or sleeplessness. Rather, we should feel less stressed, and sleep better, because we are managing our time so well.

Make a plan: use a diary or calendar to manage your time. Have a clear idea about what you should be doing at any given time - and make sure to add in plenty of time to relax and spend time with your loved ones alongside all of those work projects.

Prioritize: what activities are your priorities? Spending time with your family, for example? Or, perhaps studying is your current priority? Knowing what your priorities are will help you to see where you need to apportion most of your time.

Take stock regularly: pause at regular intervals to check that you are on track, and if you are not, be prepared to make some adjustments to your style of working.

Delegate tasks: working as part of a team can help you to use time efficiently. If everyone is given a task to do and everyone works on their tasks at the same time, the overall project will be completed more quickly than if you attempted to do all of the tasks single-handedly.

Do not waste time: think about all the activities that you do that waste your time (such as browsing idly on the internet) and try and cut down on them.

Remind yourself of the value of time. We all only have a fixed amount of time on the earth, and once we have used up some of our time, we cannot get it back. Staying constantly aware of this is a brilliant way to motivate yourself to use your time well. We could all be a little bit better at time management. The handy guide above will help you to hone your time management skills.

Benefits of Time Management

The ability to manage your time effectively is important. Good time management leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life.

Here are some benefits of managing time effectively:

1. Stress relief Making and following a task schedule reduces anxiety. As you check off items on your “to-do” list, you can see that you are making tangible progress. This helps you avoid feeling stressed out with worry about whether you’re getting things done.

2. More time Good time management gives you extra time to spend in your daily life. People who can time manage effectively enjoy having more time to spend on hobbies or other personal pursuits.

3. More opportunities Managing time well leads to more opportunities and less time wasted on trivial activities. Good time management skills are key qualities that employers look for. The ability to prioritize and schedule work is extremely desirable for any organization.

4. Ability to realize goals Individuals who practice good time management are able to better achieve goals and objectives and to do so in a shorter length of time.

For Effective Time Management

After considering the benefits of time management, let’s look at some ways to manage time effectively: 1. Set goals correctly Set goals that are achievable and measurable. Use the SMART method when setting goals. In essence, make sure the goals you set are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

2. Prioritize wisely Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. For example, look at your daily tasks and determine which? are:?Important and urgent: Do these tasks right away. Important but not urgent: Decide when to do these tasks. ?Urgent but not important: Delegate? these tasks if possible. Not urgent and not important: Set these aside to do later.

3. Set a time limit to complete a task Setting time constraints for completing tasks helps you be more focused and efficient. Making the small extra effort to decide on how much time you need to allot for each task can also help you recognize potential problems before they arise. That way you can make plans for dealing with them.

4. Take a break between tasks When doing a lot of tasks without a break, it is harder to stay focused and motivated. Allow some downtime between tasks to clear your head and refresh yourself. Consider grabbing a brief nap, going for a short walk, or meditating.

5. Organize yourself Utilize your calendar for more long-term time management. Write down the deadlines for projects, or for tasks that are part of completing the overall project. Think about which days might be best to dedicate to specific tasks. For example, you might need to plan a meeting to discuss cash flow on a day when you know the company CFO is available.

6. Remove non-essential tasks/activities It is important to remove excess activities or tasks. Determine what is significant and what deserves your time. Removing non-essential tasks/activities frees up more of your time to be spent on genuinely important things.

7. Plan ahead Make sure you start every day with a clear idea of what you need to do – what needs to get done THAT DAY. Consider making it a habit to, at the end of each workday, go ahead and write out your “to-do” list for the next workday. That way you can hit the ground running the next morning. 

Highly Effective Time Management Skills

Time management is a skill that takes time to develop and is different for each person. You just need to find what works best for you. Here are 10 ways that you can use to improve time management skills and increase productivity:

1. Delegate Tasks
It is common for all of us to take on more tasks than our desired potential. This can often result in stress and burnout. Delegation is not running away from your responsibilities but is an important function of management. Learn the art of delegating work to your subordinates as per their skills and abilities and get more achieved.

 2. Prioritize Work Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention. Unimportant tasks can consume much of your precious time. Some urgent tasks need to be completed on that day only while other unimportant tasks could be carried forward to the next day. In short, prioritize your important tasks to focus on those that are more important.

3. Schedule Tasks Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Make a simple ‘To Do list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks and focus on the essentials. Make sure that these tasks are attainable too. To better manage your time management skills, you may think of making 3 lists: work, home, and personal.

4. Set up Deadlines When you have a task at hand, set a realistic deadline and stick to it. Try to set a deadline a few days before the task so that you can complete all those tasks that may get in the way. Challenge yourself and meet the deadline; reward yourself for meeting a difficult challenge.

5. Overcome Procrastination
Procrastination is one of the things that badly affect productivity. It can result in wasting essential time and energy. It could be a major problem in both your career and your personal life. Avoid procrastination at all costs. Learn from this step-by-step guide and stop procrastinating

6. Deal with Stress Wisely Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our body starts feeling tired which can affect our productivity.

7. Avoid Multitasking
Most of us feel that multitasking is an efficient way of getting things done but, the truth is that we do better when we focus and concentrate on one thing. Multitasking hampers productivity and should be avoided to improve time management techniques. Make use of to-do lists and deadlines to help you stay focused! This way you can do better at what you’re doing.

8. Start Early
Most of successful men and women have one thing in common they start their day early as it gives them time to sit, think and plan their day. Here’s the reason: This is Why Productive People Always Wake Up So Early. When you get up early, you are calmer, more creative, and more clear-headed. As the day progresses, your energy levels start going down which affects your productivity and you may not perform as well.

9. Take Regular Breaks
Whenever you find yourself feeling tired and stressed, take a break for 10 to 15 minutes. Too much stress can take a toll on your body and affect your productivity. And even better, schedule your break times. It helps you to relax and get back to work with energy again later. Take a walk, listen to some music or do some quick stretches. The best idea is to take off from work and spend time with your friends and family.

10. Learn to Say No
Politely refuse to accept additional tasks if you think that you’re already overloaded with work. Take a look at your ‘to-do’ list before agreeing to take on extra work.

Implications of Poor Time Management

Let’s also consider the consequences of poor time management.

1. Poor workflow
The inability to plan ahead and stick to goals means poor efficiency. For example, if there are several important tasks to complete, an effective plan would be to complete related tasks together or sequentially.

 2. Wasted time
Poor time management results in wasted time. For example, by talking to friends on social media while doing an assignment, you are distracting yourself and wasting time.

 3. Loss of control
By not knowing what the next task is, you suffer from a loss of control of your life. That can contribute to higher stress levels and anxiety.

4. Poor quality of work
Poor time management typically makes the quality of your work suffer. For example, having to rush to complete tasks at the last minute usually compromises quality.

5. Poor reputation
If clients or your employer cannot rely on you to complete tasks in a timely manner, their expectations and perceptions of you are adversely affected. 


Time management is a very important skill to be learned and to be mastered in order to have a better lifestyle. By managing well time, you will no longer suffer from stress, and your work/tasks will be done on time and with great quality. Good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success. Each benefit of time management improves another aspect of your life.

Once you start to manage your time carefully, you will no doubt be surprised by how much you can achieve in a single day. And, as all of the days add up, the achievements will add up too. Managing our time well reduces the stress in our lives, and helps us to get the perfect balance of work, rest, and play.

If you find time management a little difficult to start off with, then why not try making a list of all the things that you need to do. Then, sit down with your journal or your calendar and work out when you are going to get all of those things done in the coming days, weeks, or months. Make sure to set yourself realistic deadlines, and to leave yourself some time for rest and relaxation as well.

That's all there is to it: time management is easy when you know how!
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